Blue Ribbon Education Consulting: Expert Help with Academic Improvement

How soon before we see measurable growth in our students' academic achievement?

We utilize "rapid improvement" methods and techniques. Improvement rates vary depending on a school or district's readiness to benefit, previous improvement efforts, knowledge and utilization of scientific, research-based curricula, best practices, etc. 

Will you recommend curricula, assessments and/or training?

Yes.  Once we have examined school or district data and have determined the barriers to success, we will assist with development of a strategic and customized school improvement plan, which may include curricula, assessment and professional development.

Has Blue Ribbon Education Consulting had success with schools and districts with high poverty levels?

Yes.  Struggling schools and districts often have a high percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch.  By utilizing the most effective research-based methods, instructional practices, curricula and assessments, significant improvement is the result.