Blue Ribbon Education Consulting: Expert Help with Academic Improvement

  • "Guglielmino has deep knowledge about teaching, learning, student assessment, leadership and the new Principal Evaluation System.  I have observed her on many occasions work collaboratively with colleagues and assist teams of leaders in school districts in moving from confusion to deep understanding.  Patsy is personable, trustworthy, and professional.  In addition, she is an excellent presenter and team member." - Dr. C. Whitehead, Washington Leadership Academy

  • "Patsy is a phenomenal leader.  She is visionary, is first and foremost a leader of teaching and learning, and possesses the skills and insight to guide students and staff toward levels of improvement that are simply excellent." - J. Simmons, Principal

  • "The districts for whom Guglielmino has served as a leadership coach have been most fortunate to have her guidance and support.  She has helped them look carefully and honestly at their student achievement data and respond to it with needed changes and helpful interventions. Guglielmino is unwaveringly committed to high standards for herself, those with whom she works and, importantly, for students.  As an educational consultant, she has demonstrated an ability to effectively coach adults, fostering their buy in as needed changes are identified and implemented." - Dr. M. Dunn, Superintendent, ESD 101

  • "Thanks for teaching me how to best serve our students and their families." - MS Teacher

  • "From day one Blue Ribbon Education Consulting (BREC) was able to motivate administrators, teachers, and para-professionals in a data-driven, research-based, team-led plan that focused on academic improvement.  The professionalism and enthusiasm re-energized our school and provided us with a regained focus on student achievement.  I found BREC's experience and expertise inspiring and I quickly formed a terrific working relationship with BREC.  BREC's excellent ideas and methods made an impact on our district in a short time." - Dr. D. Aiken, Superintendent

  • "BREC led our leadership team through analyzing, collecting, and scoring data around a problem of practice.  Patsy's leadership made a great impact on our district's focus and as a result, student achievement improved." - K. Rydell, Superintendent
  • "Within a very short time, BREC has been able to help our team understand data and to identify key problems, which needed to be resolved.  BREC has a firm grasp of the role of data in school and individual teacher growth and has been able to effectively teach this to our team."- S. McCullough, Superintendent

  • "Guglielmino is a gifted trainer and teacher.  She is well prepared, and quickly develops a strong rapport with administrators. Her greatest asset is her ability to quickly develop trust and start deep conversations about how we can improve as leaders." - T. Knowlton, Superintendent 

  • "Guglielmino is a joy to work with.  She skillfully organized our sessions in a way that invited leaders to collaborate around the principal evaluation process." - W. Harris, Superintendent

  • "Thank you for providing opportunities to help us ensure the success of all of our students.  It is a pleasure to come to work!" - Elementary Teacher

  • "BREC led the district with an unwavering commitment to maximizing limited resources so that its students, teachers, and other staff members might maximize their potential and dedication to excellence." -Superintendent of Schools

  • "...strong in personal and interpersonal skills, technical competence, leadership, curriculum management, staff supervision, facilities management, and community relations. - School Board Member

  • "BREC is organized, efficient, and extremely competent and has an excellent rapport with people of all ages.  Communication skills, both written and verbal, are outstanding." -Union President

  • "BREC is flexible and open to new situations and is not reluctant to take appropriate risks." School Psychologist

  • "BREC's knowledge of procedures, legal issues, and school board policy makes them a source I rely on." - Parent
  • "BREC is informed about best practices and relies on data to drive decisions." - High School Teacher

  • "BREC's respectful willingness to listen to different perspectives won my confidence and admiration.  -Home-school Parent
  • "BREC holds a unique advantage over other consultants because there is a wealth of successful experience." - Principal

  • "BREC assisted with development of a common goal that would develop and maintain high standards, exemplary curriculum, focused professional development, instruction and assessment." -  National Board Certified Elementary Teacher